The company is started with an intent to offer financial assistance to prospective customers falling in the micro and small income sectors. As of now, people in these sectors, generally approach unorganized lenders to fulfill their financial needs. This not only increases their financial burden but also traps them in a vicious credit cycle from which they may not able to come out.
Such unethical practices deprive them from progressing and also force them to spend their lives in financial misery. This in turn affects indicators like literacy, health, child mortality etc..

We offer business and personal loans by mortgaging property which is in the name of applicant / co-applicant based on the income of applicant and co-applicant.
The basic requirements for availing this type from our company are:-
- Applicant / co-applicant should have clear title of the property
- Property should have no encumbrance
- Property should have clear access
- Property deed should have a clear flow from the mother deed
- Patta if available is preferred
- Other property proofs like property tax bill, electricity bill are required
- Applicant / co-applicant should have income with proof in commensuration with the loan requirement
We also offer MSME Loan to prospective customers who are engaged in businesses that are categori(s)ed as MSME. These loans are offered to increase the working capital or for business expansion. This loan is given on the basis of the annual turnover and profit margin of the MSME.
The basic requirements for availing this type from our company are:-
- The proprietor or all the partners of the MSME should be applicants
- Last three-year audited balance sheet and income tax assessment is required
- Current account statement for the last six months
- GST, EPF, and ESI certificates
- Udyog AADHAR if available is preferred
- Loan Against Property
We offer business and personal loans by mortgaging property which is in the name of applicant / co-applicant based on the income of applicant and co-applicant.
The basic requirements for availing this type from our company are:-
- Applicant / co-applicant should have clear title of the property
- Property should have no encumbrance
- Property should have clear access
- Property deed should have a clear flow from the mother deed
- Patta if available is preferred
- Other property proofs like property tax bill, electricity bill are required
- Applicant / co-applicant should have income with proof in commensuration with the loan requirement
- MSME Loan
We also offer MSME Loan to prospective customers who are engaged in businesses that are categori(s)ed as MSME. These loans are offered to increase the working capital or for business expansion. This loan is given on the basis of the annual turnover and profit margin of the MSME.
The basic requirements for availing this type from our company are:-
- The proprietor or all the partners of the MSME should be applicants
- Last three-year audited balance sheet and income tax assessment is required
- Current account statement for the last six months
- GST, EPF, and ESI certificates
- Udyog AADHAR if available is preferred
Quick Loan Processing
Get a loan in less than a week with the help of our in-house experts
Easy Loan Eligibility Norms
Get financing no matter what your job profile is, even without formal income proofs
Wide Product Range
No matter what your dream is, big or small, we finance them all…
From a detailed survey, we have come to understand that, Tamil Nadu has a large chunk of potential customers who fall in the target customer category of the company.
The experience and exposure of two of the directors in this region will help us achieve the growth targets set forth in the plan.
Future Expansion is planned in states like.. Where we have witnessed a similar customer base
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